Struggling with Autoimmune/Digestive Disorders?

Sign-up for our informational webinar event.

Complete the registration form to sign-up for our upcoming webinar about the Integrated Wellness approach to treating digestive/autoimmune conditions such as:

  • Thyroid Problems
  • Hormonal Imbalances
  • Celiac Disease
  • IBS
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Food Allergies
  • Lupus
  • Psoriasis
  • and More!

Dear Autoimmune Sufferer,
When hormones become either too high or too low chemical reactions all over the body are thrown off. Some perform as they should…
Some more…
Some less.

Thyroid health is essential to you feeling good and living well.

We’ll know during this first visit and more importantly YOU WILL know whether or not our unique treatment program is going to help you or not!

If we can help you we will let you know and if we cannot help you we will be glad to make a referral.

Either way, we guarantee you answers!

Why You Should Care About Your Digestive Health

Degestive disorders and poor gut health have adverse effects. There are six common health complaints which include: skin issues, brain fog, sugar cravings, daily aches, depression and/or anxiety and constant fatigue. Your gut health determines your body’s ability to take in nourishment, digest it and utilize it. Your digestive system is connected to everything that happens in your body. Gut health impacts your emotional well-being to overall physical health. Intestinal health is essential to you feeling good and living well.

How To Repair and Improve Your Health

We can help you understand nutrition and how to replace “the bad” with “the good” to repair your digestive system. Each treatment is customized according to individual needs. We help patients develop an evidence-based diet in order to promote healing and improve energy and optimal function. Our system targets bacteria, infections, and the overgrowth of bugs like parasites or yeasts.

We treat autoimmune disorders such as SIBO, Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Bloating, Hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s and more!

What to Expect & How to Get Started

Schedule an appointment with us today for your health assessment. Together we’ll discover the best options to improve your digestive health and overall well-being. Your assessment will include: a blood lab & analysis, metabolic assessment, wellness consultation, and nutritional and supplement recommendations. During your appointment with Integrated Wellness Bountiful, you’ll discover potential vitamin deficiencies, inflammatory state, blood glucose stability, protein digestion, adrenal function, GI health and more. You will learn all of the ways your digestive system may be affecting your health.


I have been on the Trust Your Gut program for a little over a month and I am already starting to feel better. I can tell that the inflammation has drastically reduced and much of my pain has gone away. I have also started to lose weight wehn I have been unable to for so long. I would recommend this program to others that have struggled with low energy, brain fog, problem with losing weight, etc. – Christine B.
“Integrated Wellness has changed my life. I’ve learned so much about my health, how to heat my body and make changes to help me feel better, look better, be a better mom, wife, and friend. I’m happier, my moods are more stable. I’m no longer exhausted. Cori has given me tools to eat better to heal my gut. Dr Chris is continually teaching me and I love how he talks to my body + has me visualize healing. Bri got me through the hardest part of the IV’s. She’s awesome, kind and so good at what she does. The best bonus is I’m down 25 lbs in 6 weeks  so I feel so much better. I never thought I’d lose this weight. I have some more to go but I’m excited to be here to get this help.” – B. Lots