Brad Jones, PT

Brad began his journey as a physical therapist receiving his physical therapy degree from the University of Utah College of Health in 1996. Go Utes! The U’s PT program was directed by compassionate professors who taught the importance of knowledge combined with a passion for caring – a rich lesson that has helped shape his career as a PT. While in PT school, Brad had the opportunity to be an anatomy dissection lab teaching assistant – giving him the chance to teach and learn at a higher level. Brad is an experienced physical therapist with over 20 years as a PT. He has provided PT in clinics, homes, classrooms, and care facilities. Brad is a creative, knowledgeable, and imaginative therapist with areas of expertise in pain management, general orthopedics, geriatrics, hand treatment/splinting, aquatic-based therapy, and therapy management. His emphasis is to motivate the patients to improve their function allowing them to experience an improved quality of life. He has applied the principle that each person receiving his services deserves to be uniquely cared for with compassion and caring – there is no problem or limitation too big or too small.
Outside of the clinic, Brad stays active playing golf, tennis, and soccer. He has been known to have a competitive nature when it comes to playing sports. Brad is also an accomplished oil painter who creates work filled with emotion and devotion.