Do you have chronic knee pain that you have been told you have to live with?
Knee pain is an extremely common complaint, and there are many causes.
It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause.
Knee pain can be caused by a sudden injury, an overuse injury, or by an underlying condition, such as arthritis. Treatment will vary depending on the cause.
Symptoms of knee injury can include pain, swelling, and stiffness. There are a lot of people that suffer from knee pain, and for many, there are some great treatment options.

Commonly Knee Issues We Treat At Integrated Pain Specialists:
Swelling Or Stiffness In Knee
Redness and warmth to the touch
Recuperate From a Sports Injury
Weakness or instability
Popping or crunching noises
Arthritis: a condition associated with inflammation of the joint
What Makes Our Knee Program Different.
We believe that the body can heal itself when given the right conditions.
Our joint pain treatment plans emphasize the inherent recuperation power of the body to heal itself without drugs or surgery.
The most common mistakes joint pain sufferers make are to think “it will go away on its own” or “the medications will get me better”.
Don’t make these mistakes and wait too long.
Integrated Pain Specialists is proud to have never prescribed opioids or pain medication.