As a holistic healing practice used by millions of Americans, massage therapy promotes optimum wellness throughout the body.
Massage Therapy 101
Integrated Pain Specialists conduct a thorough examination and diagnostic assessment of each patient, in order to devise a customized treatment plan that includes therapies like chiropractic care, physical rehabilitation, or massage therapy.
Massage therapy puts your body in a state of immediate relaxation. Massage therapy releases endorphins which is the brain chemicals that produce feeling of wellbeing.
Massage therapy has been used for centuries to alleviate chronic low back pain and neck pain, decrease blood pressure, improve heart rate, and assist with depression, stress, and anxiety.
The benefits of massage therapy has been used as a holistic treatment dated as early as 3000 BC.
Early medicine began with massage therapy in Egypt, India, China, and Japan.
In ancient Greek and Roman time, they used massage therapy to prepare athletes before competitions.