Integrated Pain Specialists remains a leader of cutting-edge technology with the introduction of Class IV Laser Superpulsed 250 Watt Wave Therapy. We are one of the few clinics in Utah to offer this amazing, pain-eliminating technology that also offers significant improvement in many other conditions.
Learn About Our State-Of-The-Art Laser
The FDA cleared, new generation, Class IV laser, called “Lumix Superpulsed Laser” is literally thousands of times more powerful than its predecessor the Class III laser, allowing it to penetrate far deeper, producing phenomenal results with fewer and faster treatments.
While the Class III laser penetrated only a few millimeters, the Class IV Laser can penetrate over 4 inches deep into muscular skeletal tissue.
Because of the high power 250 Watts that unique laser offers, treatments take just a few minutes, however the therapeutic effects continue to soothe and heal long after you’ve left the office.
Now, both chronic and acute conditions can be addressed like never before.
Each treatment is quick, drug-free, non-surgical, non-addictive, side effect-free and completely pain free.
This Lumix Superpulsed laser treatment increases circulation, drawing water, oxygen and nutrients to the damaged area resulting in reduced inflammation, swelling and muscle spasm stiffness and pain.
It has been proven to bio-stimulate tissue growth, repair and cellular regeneration.

Laser Therapy Is Commonly Used At Integrated Pain Specialists For The Following:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Muscle Strains
Plantar Fasciitis
Ankle Sprains
Shoulder & Knee Pain
Low Back Pain
Post-Traumatic Injury
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Muscle Strains
Sports Injuries
Auto & Work Related Injuries
Accelerates Post-Surgical Healing / Repair

Six to twelve treatments with this powerful laser is all it usually takes to realize life-changing results.