A Deeper Look into Pre and Probiotics

Do you know the difference between Pre and Probiotics? While probiotics have held center stage for quite some time, known for their numerous health benefits, prebiotics, have remained underappreciated. Probiotic foods are essential for a healthy gut and overall...

The 6 Steps to Mindful Meditation

Mindful Meditation is a tool for health and well-being that should be practiced daily. With countless studies to back this notion, we want to show you how to find peace and clarity. Meditation is a simple practice available to all, which can reduce stress, increase...

Swap Eating out for Eating In

Eating out for Eating In? A meal at the office, dinner out with friends, or a quick snack to break up the drive does adversely affect your health. Choosing to eat fresh home-cooked meals increases food awareness and allows you to make better choices to support a...

Greek Yogurt is a better option

To help you get started we have a simple tip — a one ingredient swap — that will allow you to feel lighter and healthier after some of your favorite meals. Sour cream, mayonnaise, dressings, you name it! Greek Yogurt can substitute as a healthier alternative which...

Practice Gratitude Daily

Counting your blessings and Practicing Gratitude Daily is an act that should not only be saved for special occasions. As you practice living in a state of gratitude daily, exuding feelings of appreciation and thanks, you will be setting yourself up for incredible...