Healthy Breakfast Cookies To-Go

Breakfast is stressful for a lot of parents on busy school mornings! It’s hard to get kids (and ourselves) to eat a healthy breakfast, or eat one at all. But we all need something energy-packed with nutrients to keep us alert and focused until lunchtime. These simple,...

7 Simple DIY Household Cleaning Recipes

7 Simple DIY Household Cleaning Recipes Toxins are everywhere, unfortunately. And while we can’t completely eliminate our exposure, we can choose what we allow into our home. A healthy lifestyle is more than organic produce and whole food; we must also recognize the...

The Office Fitness Freak

Exercising at work promotes productivity and returns us to our normal state of being; in motion, so let’s do The Office Fitness Freak.  Insufficient movement 40+ hours/week is hazardous to our hearts, joints, guts, brain. Every bit of us suffers from sedentary...

Healthy 3-Ingredient Rice Balls Recipe

Enjoy sushi rice, sans sushi, with pretty much anything you like! Try this Healthy 3-Ingredient Rice Balls Recipe. Peanut butter and fresh diced red pepper. Anything you can imagine. Dress them up in nori for special occasions! Japanese rice balls are also known as...