by Integrated Pain | Sep 9, 2020 | Health Tips
Like many, you are probably wondering what IV Therapy is and, is IV Therapy Safe? We are answering the most frequently asked questions when it comes to IV therapy. Soaring in popularity, IV therapy is the latest wellness trend among every age and lifestyle. The...
by Integrated Pain | Nov 14, 2019 | Health Tips
‘Tis the season for family, festivity, and food—lots of food. Temptations are everywhere, and parties and travel disrupt daily routines. What’s more, it all goes on for weeks. Holidays don’t have to sabotage your health goals, so have a healthy holidays with us! With...
by Integrated Pain | Oct 22, 2019 | Health Tips
As autumn transitions into winter, we often see a rise in cold and flu illnesses. This year, be proactive and take advantage of Flu Fighting Stratetgies at Integrated Wellness to enjoy a healthy and energized season! IMMUNE BOOST A sublingual serum that acts quickly...
by Integrated Pain | May 13, 2019 | Health Tips
Eating well is no longer an option. The deadliest modern diseases, like cancer, are directly linked to what’s on your plate; food is the single most effective way to protect yourself. That’s why we wanted to share with you our delicious cancer fighting salad...
by Integrated Pain | Mar 18, 2019 | Functional Medicine, Nutrition
Do you love to eat outside? Or maybe you just don’t have time to cook everyday? Well then you can always Dine Out and lose weight! with our recommendations or guidance! Keep reading and find out more! If you want to be healthy and fit, it’s best to swap eating...
by Integrated Pain | Feb 26, 2019 | Functional Medicine, Nutrition
If you’re feeling under the weather, try making this Healthy 3-Ingredient salad Recipe that besides, is an amazing immune booster. It’s easy to forget how much food affects our mood and overall health, especially this time of year. Fennel is loaded with...
by Integrated Pain | Feb 21, 2019 | Chronic Pain, Functional Medicine
Do you suffer from migraines? There are some natural remedies for migraines that you could give a try to, get to know them! Experiencing a headache about 4 times a year due to stress or dehydration isn’t reason for concern, but many people have multiple headaches per...
by Integrated Pain | Feb 15, 2019 | Nutrition
It’s OK to quit whatever diet you’re on. In fact, we recommend it. But don’t give up on your weight loss goals! Weight control is simpler than you probably realize, but more complex than any one fad diet, wonder pill, or vows to swear off carbs can address. If you’re...
by Integrated Pain | Feb 4, 2019 | Health Tips, Nutrition
Signs of dehydration in winter are sneaky. We drink less and forget how much it affects our mood, appearance, and overall health. But staying hydrated this time of year is just as critical as any other season. In fact, it’s even more important. Water is essential for...
by Integrated Pain | Nov 20, 2018 | Health Tips
Did you know that got milk is related to inflammation and allergies? Milk looks and tastes pretty darn similar whether it’s from an udder or a nut. While there’s some controversy over whether or not plant-based milk alternatives should be called “milk,” we know the...