What if Your Doctor Offered Lifestyle Prescriptions?
Good diet and nutrition can put you on a path to health and wellness, but it’s unusual to find doctors who are trained well enough and can spend the time required to have this conversation with patients.
Do You Have a Leaky Brain?
Do you have unexplained brain fog, trouble concentrating, memory problems, or constant anxiety? You may have what is called a “leaky brain”.
4 Ways to Have a Healthy Fall
This article was written by Roshini Raj, M.D. Board-certified gastroenterologist and internist, Medical Contributor and co-founder of Tula. Original article can be found here
Important Reasons to Unplug and Find Space
Learning to power-down technology is an important life skill with numerous benefits. It is becoming a lost art in our ever-connected world. But the wisest of us take time to learn the discipline. And live fuller lives because of it.
Stem Cell Therapy What’s All the Fuss About?
Regenerative medicine or stem cell therapy is becoming a buzzword, not only among healthcare professionals but also in households across the nation.

10 Principles to Add Years to Life and Life to Years
Your overall health depends on a number of factors from the food you eat to your state of mind. Here are 10 principals that will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.