Integrated Wellness’ Educational Blog

Texting Is A Real Pain In The Neck

Is “text neck” a real thing? Can it really affect your health? The answer is YES. Texting automatically creates a forward head posture, which causes all sorts of problems for your cervical spine. It can lead to chronic neck and back pain.

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Coconut Pumpkin Soup Recipe

Don’t forget pumpkins aren’t just for carving and turning into jack-o-lanterns. Their bright orange flesh is packed with carotene, offering a huge boost of vitamin A (anti-aging, immunity) and antioxidants, and pairs perfectly with coconut milk, one of the best immune-strengthening foods.

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Should you Try Kombucha For Your Fizzy Fix?

Kombucha – a fermented black tea used as a healing tonic in China for over 2,000 years – may take some time acquiring a taste for, but its fizzy flavor can help curb your cravings for high sugar, toxic carbonated drinks. It also helps reduce heartburn and other acid reflux symptoms and has a ton of health benefits.

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7 Simple DIY Household Cleaning Recipes

Organic, all-natural cleaning products exist, sure, but they cost an arm and a leg. And still contribute to environmental waste. Truth be told, the convenience seems worth the price even if you’re totally into saving the planet. But did you know you can clean and disinfect your home with little more than baking soda and water?

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