Natural Remedies That Really Work

Natural Remedies That Really Work 1. Mosquito Bites First of all- DON’T SCRATCH! Scratching release the immune response making it even harder to stop the itching. As soon as you can, apply a drop of Lavender oil. Apply as often as you need. Don’t cover. 2. Ear Aches...

Safe Alternatives to the Flu Vaccine

Safe Alternatives to the Flu Vaccine. Given the hard sell from doctors and government agencies, you may think immunization is your only hope against a bad case of the flu. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Alternatives to the Flu Vaccine: Defend Yourself With...

Healthy Habits for Happy Kids

Healthy Habits for Happy Kids. Make Healthy Meals a Priority Let’s be honest, hectic mornings, long days at work, after school activities and the homework battle are exhausting! It’s hard to find the time to prepare good nutritious meals for your family. It seems so...

Treating Eczema with NMT and Essential Oils

Treating Eczema with NMT and Essential Oils. There are many over-the-counter steroid creams available which help you to soothe eczema, but unfortunately it will often return and strike harder than before. These should never be used except in extreme and rare cases....

Maybe Calories Aren’t The Problem

Maybe Calories Aren’t The Problem. High protein or low protein? No fat or low fat? Complex carb or no carbs? And the questions and confusion continue to build. We all know someone who says that they eat hardly anything at all and yet can’t lose any weight. We...

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue. I had been a practicing chiropractor for only several years and could find no satisfactory explanation. I was studying at the time to complete a degree in naturopathy but no searching in my numerous books gave me any answers either. As I tried to...

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Chia Seed Pudding Recipe Ingredients 1 14 oz can of coconut milk (or milk or choice)4-5 TBSP chia seedsOptional Ingredients depending on what you like:Fruit, nuts, vanilla, cinnamon, cacao or cocoa powder, chocolate chips, honey, pure maple syrup, etc. Directions Pour...